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JRE_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly

Scott McBride (12610) | asked Aug 14 '14, 2:10 p.m.
After completing installation of JTS and applications in Windows 7, the server.startup batch program fails.

When I run the program from a command window, it says that "The JRE_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly."

I inserted an ECHO to see the value of this variable in the program,.  It is C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\jre.  And this is the location of the bin and lib folders for Java.

I have also tried hard-coding this variable in the startup batch program but with the same results.

Thanks in advance for advice!

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Aug 15 '14, 1:47 a.m.
It's probably a permission issue. Try not to install under "C:\Program Files", i.e. make it C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer.

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