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How can I enable the "Project Configuration" menu within the RTC

Trieu Pham (131) | asked Nov 14 '16, 11:45 a.m.

I am new to RTC and want to use the Work Item feature.  I read some document and found ton of examples.  However in order for me to use the example, I need to open the "Project Configuration" menu.  Unfortunately, I could not find this menu any where under project tab.

The RTC server & client were installed by my IT department, I got the feeling that they have missed some components but I am not sure.  I hope the community would know and point me to what was missing.  Thanks in advance.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185201) | answered Nov 14 '16, 2:38 p.m.
In Eclipse RTC go to the Team Artifacts perspective.  If you have connected to some projects their name will be shown there.  Right click on the project name and choose Open.   You may have to authenticate.  Taking that action will open the project area for configuration changes.

Each RTC project template comes with a fair collection of work item types depending on the starting template ( Scrum, Simple Team Process, Traditional, etc )

See also the topics in the Knowledge Center ( e.g. this )
Trieu Pham selected this answer as the correct answer

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