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Upgrading 5.0.2 -> 6.0.1.x tomcat/LDAP -> WAS-Lib/LDAP.

SQL Server
Active Directory
We are looking at upgrading our test environment to 6.0.1. We have always seen migrating from tomcat->WAS as an additional step, but in 601, it seems like WAS Liberty is now the default. It doesn't seem to be covered in the interactive guide about the migration, so how is this handled?
If I install CLM 601 with WAS Lib in a directory and do the upgrade, is this stuff handled "automagically"?
One answer

include location="conf/basicUserRegistry.xml
include location="conf/ldapUserRegistry.xml
Below is the modified parameters for AD setup
<ldapRegistry baseDN="CN=Users,DC=test,DC=com" bindDN="CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=com" bindPassword="Passw0rd" host="ldap-host" id="ldap-host:389" ignoreCase="true" ldapType="Microsoft Active Directory" port="389" realm="ldap-host:389" recursiveSearch="true" referal="follow" sslEnabled="false"><idsFilters groupFilter="(&(cn=%v)(|(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=posixGroup)))" groupIdMap="*:cn" groupMemberIdMap="ibm-allGroups:member;ibm-allGroups:uniqueMember" userFilter="(&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))" userIdMap="*:uid"></idsFilters><activedFilters groupIdMap="*:cn" groupMemberIdMap="*:member" userIdMap="*:sAMAccountName"/></ldapRegistry>
Map the roles to AD groups , JazzAdmins, JazzUsers etc

Thanks for the answer. So just to be clear. Is WAS Liberty installed during this "installation of 601 when choosing to use it?" Also, does server.startup.bat still work when using WAS Liberty? I want to apply the ifix before the upgrade...
(Sorry, never used WAS before...)

Yes, WAS Liberty is automatically installed (just as Tomcat used to be) when you chose to deploy on WAS Liberty. And yes, server.startup.bat is the script to use to start the server when using WAS Liberty.

I tried it and the path is an automated one from tomcat to liberty - however in my case it did not work. About you ifix I believe you can not apply ifix1 for 6.0.1 prior to the upgrade. according to the guideline you need to apply it before you apply the remaining fixes (wars) and update the repotools and that requires a server start which you can obviously not do before you have upgraded.