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RTC commandline build not failing for failed result

Sachin Nairy (5111320) | asked Nov 14 '16, 2:48 a.m.
edited Nov 14 '16, 2:49 a.m.

I created one ANT build definition using jazz ANT commandline build, I am passing below command in build definition, its working fine if build is passed, if build is failed still build result shows in green.

Command:c:\build\setEnv.cmd & ant –f c:\build\core.xml

Thanks & Regards

Sachin Nairy

One answer

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Daniel Barbour (250323) | answered Nov 15 '16, 11:06 a.m.
 You might try grouping the commands with parenthesis (and use the conditional execution token) as follows:

Command:(C:\build\setEnv.cmd && ant -f c:\build\core.xml)

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