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Is it possible to define more than 1 workflow for the same work item type?

Radha Sastrigal (111322) | asked Sep 30 '14, 11:43 a.m.
Using Jazz version 4.0.6:

We have scenario where a change request could lead to document changes or/ and code changes.
Instead of having 2 different work item type and associated workflows, is it possible to have 2 workflows for a same work item type; potentially selecting a workflow based on the type of change required?

Any advice of this would be beneficial.

Thank you!

Accepted answer

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Rogério Ramos da Silva (33512827) | answered Sep 30 '14, 2:47 p.m.
edited Sep 30 '14, 2:48 p.m.

Each workitem type should be driven by only one workflow.
To solve a scenario like that, I´ve create a more complex workflow where a certain state flows for two possible states through of different actions, in your case doc changes or code changes. And back to the final state after the specific job has been done to solve doc or code needs. Something like that:

                         fix doc 
                       /         \
Initial --> analyse ->              --> finish
                       \          /
                         fix code 

I hope it help you.
Radha Sastrigal selected this answer as the correct answer

Radha Sastrigal commented Sep 30 '14, 3:19 p.m.

Thanks for your response, Rogerio.

The roles involved in triggering the workflow actions would be different, so looks like I may have to create two work item types 

Radha Sastrigal commented Sep 30 '14, 3:19 p.m.

 Thanks for your response, Rogerio.

The roles involved in triggering the workflow actions would be different, so looks like I may have to create two work item types  

Rogério Ramos da Silva commented Oct 01 '14, 8:41 a.m. | edited Oct 01 '14, 8:49 a.m.


Maybe you can share how specific action should be different from each role. Under permission is possible define which role can trigger what action, having a "fork" in your workflow (as shown above) driven by role might solve.

Feel free to ask and extend your needs.

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