Linking new test scripts to existing testcase

I have new test scripts that I need to link to existing test cases. I have found some responses that say to add the following into the cfg file.
You can link existing testcases to new test scripts using the following line in cfg file:
Your Excel file will have the id of the existing test case in column E in the format
3 answers

The issue turned out to be a browser refresh issue. In order for the newly linked testscripts to appear in the "Test Scripts" section within the testcase, I needed to first do a browser session refresh. I was using IE 11.
Hope this helps anyone else with the problem should they run into a similar issue.

I did the following as you suggested:
testscript.testcase=LinkExisting(""& J)
In the excel file containing the testscripts that I want to link to the testcase, I just entered 3651 in column J for each entry.
The script looks as follows when entering the data.
Reading Configuration File....
Getting artifacts from document - "Linking_testscripts_to_existing_testcase.xlsx".....
Sending artifacts to https://jazznc.deveng.local:9443/qm.....
Sending testscript 0 named Linking_testscripts_to_existing_testcase_Testscripts_2.xml...
Sending testscript 1 named Linking_testscripts_to_existing_testcase_Testscripts_1.xml...
Exporting completed successfully!
Detailed log file at: C:\
However, when I go into RQM and look at the testcase 3651, there are no scripts linked to it??? Any other suggestions???