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HTTP 404 issue while connecting with Jazz Team Server Set Up Wizard

Vijayanand M (111) | asked Oct 31 '16, 9:00 a.m.

I have an issue "HTTP 404 - jts/setup" when trying to connect to the Jazz Team Server set up web console wizard.  The Jazz installation is part of the RTC collaboration tools like Change and Configuration management tools.
The JTS runs on Apache Tomcat Server 7.0.59 that was seperately downloaded and server was sucessfully brought up and running. Also we are able to see the initial Tomcat Server page indicating that the installation was successful. However when tried to connect with the http://hostname:9081/jts/setup.. we are getting issue that the "HTTP 404 - jts/setup" is not available. Please note that the port was changed to 9081 form the default 8080 using the server.xml config file.

Not sure if we are missing anything during the set up.

Seeking some support in resolving this issue.

Vijayanand M

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Oct 31 '16, 10:36 a.m.
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER is "Not found" basically your link does not seem to be working.

Vijayanand M commented Oct 31 '16, 1:37 p.m.

  Yes..but not sure if am missing something as part of the installation. Also to add on here the Tomcat server installation pack was not available as part of the RTC download, so it was downloaded separately and started up. But not sure how the Tomcat server is connected with the other Rational application..not sure if something is being missed as part of the RTC installation (just have the CCM and GTS) alone installed..Any pointers?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 31 '16, 8:17 p.m.
Apparently the Tomcat is not the one bundled in the CLM package (no longer available in the latest 6.0.x package), and you need to do some extra works to deploy the CLM applications to Tomcat. Unfortunately as Liberty is now the default/bundled application server, there are no instructions on how to deploy the applications to Tomcat.

If you have an older version (pre 6.0) deployment, you can check the configuration there and replicate it in your current environment. The below technote may give you some idea what will be involved.

If this is a brand new deployment, I suggest you stick with Liberty to avoid the troubles.

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