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BuildForge no longer purging builds, db size getting out of control

David stoker (111) | asked Aug 30 '16, 5:13 p.m.
I have taken over the responsibilities of RE and the tool they were using is BuildForge I have recently come across an issue where the database is growing in size and BuildForge appears to no longer be purging old builds. 

When I look at the db.log file, I see this message "Purge: Linked project has no change data. Build cancelled." I am not sure if this is where the issue lies or not. 

When I do a query on the bf_builds table and check for bf_process="P", I can see a whole host of entries and under bf_stage I see "Queued" but I am not see the bf_state on any of these change from "W" to "R" to confirm they are running.

Is there a way for me to kickstart the purge process manually?

Thanks for the help!

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