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Is there a default RAF action to import Work Managers defined for a specific cluster?

Chad Smith (611) | asked Feb 21 '14, 11:34 a.m.
RAF Version:

The configurations for the Work Managers are in the "resources-pme.xml" file, which is located:

Is there a default RAF action to import Work Managers defined for a specific Cluster?

We are using RAF to manage a WVE Cell and we have run across a problem when trying to capture/import "Work Managers" that are defined at a cluster scope.  The configurations are in the resources-pme.xml file which does not seem to be imported when running default actions in import mode.  We have tried the following actions at the cluster scope and they all fail to import the resources-pme.xml file which is where the Work Managers are defined. 



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Ryan Ruscett (1.0k413) | answered Feb 21 '14, 2:56 p.m.
Hello Chad,

RAF does not import this file, because it doesn't need it. The xml files that RAF imports, are those that can be edited on the framework server and pushed back to change configuration. Since the pme.xml and the pme502.xml are not files we would interact with. There is no need to have them. They are basic files that hold default configuration information. They are not important to RAF. That being said. Two questions arise.

1. Why do you want this? Perhaps there is a work around.

2. It can be done with a custom action. Anything can be done with a custom action and it's easy and fun to do. I have a RAF blog on developer works where I discuss custom actions. There is also help with those in our info-center.

Chad Smith commented Feb 25 '14, 12:31 p.m.

Ryan, Thanks for responding. 

When you create a custom Work Manger or Time Manger within the WebShere console they ONLY get stored in the resources-pme.xml file, so it doesn't just house the default configurations.

We were hoping that the "was_common_configure_server_all" RAF action would parse and pull in these configurations into the RAF generated server.xml file so that we had an easy way to manage and promote them.  Since it does not we have had to waist a lot of time troubleshooting problems just to find out that the configuration didn't get promoted from the test environment to the production environment.

We are very familiar with creating custom RAF actions, and I am not sure we would call it "fun", but we felt that this should be part of the default actions since this file does contain configurations that are not just generic default WebSphere configurations. 

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