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Why does RPE 2.1 rpeng bring up strange GUI?

Robert Huet (23113984) | asked Aug 18 '16, 12:17 p.m.
I've installed RPE 2.1 remote services on a RHEL 7 server, Tomcat and Derby, but, when I hit the website (/rpeng), I do not get the expected GU that appears in the documentation.  Instead, I seem to be getting some kind of administrative GUI, but none of the actions on that page seem to be responding.

What have I done wrong?

One answer

permanent link
Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Aug 18 '16, 12:55 p.m.
edited Aug 18 '16, 12:56 p.m.
Can you verify if the webpage is completely loaded? Which browser are you using? Is it Internet Explorer (with Compatibility View)? If so, please try after unchecking / disabling Compatibility View.

Robert Huet commented Aug 18 '16, 1:38 p.m.

Getting this error on both FireFox and Chrome.  I brought up Developer Tools, and it looks like there are 404 errors loading resources from css_ and js_ directories.  I checked for the folders under tomcat/webaps/rpeng, and these directories do not exist.  Instead, they are named css_20160518_1159 and js_20160518_1159.  Any idea what went wrong?


Kumaraswamy Gowda commented Aug 19 '16, 1:09 a.m.

Hi Robert,

Thanks for sharing detailed information. The css and javascript are not being loaded singe the build and version number is blank. Hence, the UI is not rendered correctly.

I installed RPE 2.1 iFix001 on Windows 7, Tomcat 8.x and Derby and I was able to get the UI correctly and the request URL for css and js files were correct.

>>> Instead, they are named css_20160518_1159 and js_20160518_1159.  Any idea what went wrong?
The directory names are correct.
- What are the contents of the following file? TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\rpeng\servicesStore\ It should be
- Which JRE version are you using? and additionally, is it IBM JRE?


Robert Huet commented Aug 19 '16, 5:41 p.m.

 Thanks, Kumar.  I will install IFIX001.

Robert Huet commented Aug 19 '16, 7:51 p.m.

 I installed IFIX001 and redeployed the RPE WAR files but that did not help.

The java version on my RHEL 7.2 machine is:
openjdk version "1.8.0_101"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.101-b13, mixed mode)

I checked the system requirements, and it looks like I need to install IBM Runtime Environment, Java Technology Edition.  I will try that next.

Robert Huet commented Aug 23 '16, 10:26 a.m.

Kumar provided me with the answer in his comment above.  I needed to install the IBM JRE.  Once I did that and set the JRE_HOME environment variable, everything worked perfectly.

I did not see this step in the RPE installation instructions (although I now see that it was in the System Requirements).


Kumaraswamy Gowda commented Aug 23 '16, 11:04 p.m.

Hi Robert,

Nice to see that you got it working. RPE is tested with IBM JREs and officially supported on IBM JREs. But we always make our best effort to make RPE work on Oracle JRE and openjdk. We'll work on this issue as well.

We'll improve the installation instructions to clearly mention to use IBM JRE.


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