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CSV round trip not successful

lakshmi shree (5711743) | asked Jul 28 '16, 1:40 a.m.
I have DOORSNG 6.0 running on my PC. Is there any way to export the module to CSV, modify the attributes of certain artifacts and import it back to the same module , with the same req ID. whenever I try this, it creates new entries for the artifacts which I import back. Pls help

2 answers

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Koak Lodge (156210) | answered Jul 28 '16, 8:06 a.m.

Export module to CSV:
Create a view with columns (and filters if needed) in the module and save. Click on pencil icon of saved view and select “Export…”.

Makes changes as needed in CSV. You can get rid of the meta data at the bottom. You can get rid of the “isHeading”, “parentBinding”, “module” columns assuming you’re not modifying the module structure. But don’t delete or modify the “id” or “Artifact Type” values! (Unless you’re adding rows in which case leave “id” blank and set an “Artifact Type”.)

Import CSV into module:
Select menu option “Artifacts > Import Artifact…”.
Select “Import requirements from a CSV file”, press “Next >”.
Choose your CSV file with “Choose File” button.
Choose “Import requirements into a module” and select the module with “Pick Module…” button.
(That part really only matters for NEW artifacts!)
If all you’re doing is modifying existing artifacts, choose the bottom option “Update artifacts that match entries, and ignore new entries”. If you created new rows in the CSV, choose the one above it. The top one will create all new entries.
Press “Finish” button.

lakshmi shree commented Jul 31 '16, 3:44 a.m.

 Thanks M.K for the detailed response. Unfortunately I am not able to see the options at the bottom sometimes. It directly displays the FInish button after i pick the module. Any idea why this is happening?

Koak Lodge commented Aug 01 '16, 3:20 a.m.

No idea. Maybe put a screen shot on the web somewhere and link it?

Nate Decker commented Jan 13 '17, 8:56 a.m. | edited Jan 13 '17, 9:02 a.m.

I can confirm the behavior Iakshmi is reporting. I am running a 6.0.1 DOORS NG application and the CSV import dialog does not have options labeled "Update artifacts that match entries, and ignore new entries". No such option exists.

Is there some kind of setting that needs to be enabled in the Team Server Properties for this to be available or something?

Edit: We have 3 sandbox servers we use for development and testing. I had thought all of them were 6.0.1, but it appears the one I was testing on was actually only 6.0. I moved to another sandbox that was actually 6.0.1 and I am seeing the option now.

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Cliff Sadler (621717) | answered Jul 28 '16, 1:27 p.m.

In my experience, you definitely have to retain all of the columns that get exported, such as Artifact Type, isHeading, parentBinding, and moduleId.  You do not need the metadata info at the bottom of the export.

My effort was to fill in a custom attribute (pre-created in DNG) from an external .csv

I am at 6.0.1

Changes coming in 6.0.3 for migration and round tripping

Koak Lodge commented Jul 29 '16, 3:53 a.m.

As far as I understand, you only need id and Artifact Type for imports that modify existing artifacts. What error do you get when you don't include isHeading, parentBinding, and module?

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