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How to access RDNG 6.0 new req type "Diagram" for publishing with RPE?

Dr. Markus A. Thies (321113) | asked Oct 29 '15, 3:15 p.m.
is there a way to access the new requirement type "Diagram" from the Rational Publishing Engine (RPE)?

I cannot see an update on the documentation for the publishing RESTReportApi (API Docu).

We are all switching to Mac OS-X and that diagram type is currently the only one which can be used with OS-X.
All other diagram types require a WIndows specific PlugIns :(

Accepted answer

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Ivan Bravo (1762) | answered Nov 30 '15, 1:46 p.m.
Hi Markus

Currently there is not "Diagram" schema for the publishing API.
My suggestion is to create a new RFE so your request can be evaluated.

In order to get information about relationships/links of Diagrams, you can use the resources schema.
Dr. Markus A. Thies selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Oct 30 '15, 3:10 p.m.
Seems like there is no separate artifact type for diagrams. You can try to get the info as if it were a text artifact. (Notice that the diagram is shown in "Print Module Book" report, which uses "View" schema.) If the picture information is not included , you can set it as an embedded artifact in a text artifact.

Dr. Markus A. Thies commented Nov 02 '15, 4:38 a.m.

Subramanya, thank you for your idea for a work-around. That is actually how we do it for now. This is sufficient if one is only interested in getting the diagram as a picture in the output.

As soon as you require information about relationships/links of the diagram to other artifacts, the work around gets complicated since Business Analysts now have to duplicate the relationships into the text artifact, so that the RPE-Script has also access to those information. And that is really error prone, since BAs may forget those additional documentation steps.

To solve the problem is, I fear, that the product has to be enhanced to support also requirements of the format "Diagram" within the publishing RESTApi.

Maybe some guys from the product itself could give a statement on this.

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