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Error in SystemOut.log

Matthew Clark (10711347) | asked Jul 26 '16, 3:41 p.m.
Jazz 6.0.1 with iFix006

00000186 SystemOut     O 2016-07-26 15:01:04,194 RQM [qm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-4 @@ 15:01] ERROR                         - ChangeRequestCollector:runTask AQXCM5001E The OSLC request to connect to a remote server failed.  Project area: PROJECT_NAME (Quality Management); Connection URL: https://PUBLIC_URI:9443/ccm/oslc/contexts/_L3MpRbYLEeW5FoV8iJ8FyQ/workitems/services.xml; Details: null.

Accepted answer

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Jul 26 '16, 4:08 p.m.
You may be encountering the issue mentioned in this Workitem
141279 QM: -Unexpected AQXCM5001E errors in qm.log

Within the workitem there is also a reference to the following topic from the online help
Configuring the CCM application as your defect provider
Matthew Clark selected this answer as the correct answer

Matthew Clark commented Jul 27 '16, 4:20 p.m.

Thank you Ara. If I understand this correctly, the fix for this is....

1. Go into CCM admin
2. Click Consumers (Inbound)
3. Edit the entry that reads https://PUBLIC_URI:9443/qm/rootservices
4. Select qm_user for the Functional User ID

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