Can I customize the mandatory fields required to create a Test Suite Execution Record in RQM?

One answer

Hi, Yash
There is no option to define mandatory test plan for TSER in RQM.
If TSER does not have a test plan associated, in v6.0.1 or later, RQM added a new precondition '
Disallow Execution of Test Suite Execution Record without Required Associations
which would require you to associate with required attributes: test plan, iteration or test environment.
see details here(there is a screenshot there for test case's TCER and the same applies to test suite's TSER):
This seems to be able to serve your use case. If test plan is selected in the precondition, and your TSER does not have it set, it can not be executed and it will remind the user test plan is required in order to run TSER.
I hope this helps.
There is no option to define mandatory test plan for TSER in RQM.
If TSER does not have a test plan associated, in v6.0.1 or later, RQM added a new precondition '
Disallow Execution of Test Suite Execution Record without Required Associations
which would require you to associate with required attributes: test plan, iteration or test environment.
see details here(there is a screenshot there for test case's TCER and the same applies to test suite's TSER):
This seems to be able to serve your use case. If test plan is selected in the precondition, and your TSER does not have it set, it can not be executed and it will remind the user test plan is required in order to run TSER.
I hope this helps.