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Global templates

Dear all,
Which are the steps that I should follow to make a personal template at proyect level as "global" for all my projects?
I have worked with RQM tool with "JazzAdmin" permissions but I have only got create a template at proyect level. In RQM tool, for template administration, there is an option which shows that admin must import a template to set it as global for all projects, so the question is, is RTC tool neccessary to do this option?
Thanks for the information.
2 answers

Hi Jesus,
Do you mean process sharing option? If yes, please look at https://jazz.net/library/article/1077. That should answer all your questions.
Let us know if that helps you.
Do you mean process sharing option? If yes, please look at https://jazz.net/library/article/1077. That should answer all your questions.
Let us know if that helps you.

I have created a new template from RQM tool version 3.0.1 in a singular project. I want that this template is show in all projects. Is it possible to export it and then share it with another projects (global template) only with RQM tool (without RTC)?
The problem is that I do not have RTC tool and I need to have the same tempalte in all the projects. With RQM I have created a template for a single project but I want to this tamplate was visible in all projects. Which steps should I follow?
There is an alternative solution for this kind o problems (global solution)? (Eclipse plugin for IBM, another tools, etc)
Thanks for all

Hi Jesus,
Have you already created these projects? Or you are planning to create them? If you are planning to create them, then you need to perform the steps from https://jazz.net/library/article/1077. If they are created, then you need to download eclipse client for RTC to open process template. Just use the instructions from infocenter to connect project areas in RTC client (select RQM project areas). Then click on each project and select Open and then navigate to tab process configuration source (third tab on the bottom of the editor). And modify the source to following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<process-specification xmlns="http://com.ibm.team.process">
Then select the option: "Use the process area from another project area" and select master project area (the one from which you want to share the configuration (according to https://jazz.net/library/article/1077)
Please only notice that for RQM 3.0.1 it didn't work so good and there were issues with that so I would recommend you using RQM 4.0 or higher.
Have you already created these projects? Or you are planning to create them? If you are planning to create them, then you need to perform the steps from https://jazz.net/library/article/1077. If they are created, then you need to download eclipse client for RTC to open process template. Just use the instructions from infocenter to connect project areas in RTC client (select RQM project areas). Then click on each project and select Open and then navigate to tab process configuration source (third tab on the bottom of the editor). And modify the source to following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<process-specification xmlns="http://com.ibm.team.process">
Then select the option: "Use the process area from another project area" and select master project area (the one from which you want to share the configuration (according to https://jazz.net/library/article/1077)
Please only notice that for RQM 3.0.1 it didn't work so good and there were issues with that so I would recommend you using RQM 4.0 or higher.