RTC Build definitions appear with status of Unassigned in RQM
In RQM 4, the project area has been configured to RTC as the integration provider. The build definitions in RTC project now appear in the list of Build definitions in RQM. However , all the build definitions have the status " Unassigned". And the build records are not appearing in RQM.
Due to this, we are not able to schedule execution based on build success.
This functionality used to work earlier - before upgradingto RQM 4.0.
Please advise how the build records from RTC will appear in RQM so we can schedule tests on Build success.
Due to this, we are not able to schedule execution based on build success.
This functionality used to work earlier - before upgradingto RQM 4.0.
Please advise how the build records from RTC will appear in RQM so we can schedule tests on Build success.
One answer
This appears to be a defect since it appears you configured the RQM/RTC Build Integration (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m5/topic/com.ibm.rational.test.qm.doc/topics/t_config_rtc_build_integration.html) correctly. Please open a RQM defect.