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How to connect Tasktop Sync to a RM sandbox environment?

Alejandro Reyes (1438) | asked Jul 21 '16, 6:35 p.m.
I am attempting to connect Tasktop Sync to a RM sandbox environment and am having trouble connecting to the RM server.  I looked at the tasktop-sync.log file and it appears that when authenticating against "", it redirects to  which is an endpoint that does not exist.

The error that appears in the Tasktop Sync wizard is, "Error processing response (HTTP 404: Not Found)."  Is it possible to connect Tasktop Sync to a RM sandbox environment?  Why am I encountering this error?

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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered Jul 22 '16, 12:22 a.m.
edited Jul 22 '16, 12:23 a.m.
To authenticate, it's a series of redirects to do the oauth dance that brings you back to RM url.
Could be that for the sandbox environment this was customized to work properly in the sandbox and proxy infrastructure, at least looking at your URLs and tracing the URLs from an out-of-the-box install, they differ somewhat.

Have your tried to download and install the CLM suite and try it that way?

Alejandro Reyes selected this answer as the correct answer

Alejandro Reyes commented Jul 22 '16, 12:40 p.m.

 I haven't done so, but that seems like the logical next step.  Thanks for the clarification.

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