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Rename CCM Server

Sergio Lorente (981712) | asked Jul 01 '16, 5:45 a.m.

We are using RTC v4.0.1 running in a WAS v8.0.0.3.
Our topology is a server with /jts and /ccm running in the same WAS and db2.
The project has grown and we'd like to separate each project areas into 3 diferents /ccm servers.
We only have workitems, no builds, no control versions. Only workitems (custom workitems, custom attributes, custom links, etc). It is a huge customization.
We are been thinking about two ways:
1.- Renaming /ccm contextroot and using load balancers wich point to server/ccm (actual), server/ccm2(cloned), server/ccm3(cloned)
2.- Renaming /ccm server  into: server/ccm(the actual one) server2/ccm (cloned) and server3/ccm (cloned), and register them to the same jts.

Obviosly each ccm has a cloned bbdd of the original one in both considerations.

The first requiere a big maintenance for our customization. So we'd like to use the second one. How can i rename only ccm server?

Accepted answer

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Shubjit Naik (1.5k1613) | answered Jul 01 '16, 5:56 a.m.
Hi Sergio

You can rename only the ccm instance, but you cannot clone just ccm,
In your case the only solution would be to clone jts+ccm and rename them to jt1/ccm1 and jts2/ccm2.

Sergio Lorente selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Sergio Lorente (981712) | answered Jul 01 '16, 6:23 a.m.
Thanks for your answer, Naik.

Where can i found the server rename procedure? we know it is not soported, but we need it anyway.

Shubjit Naik commented Jul 01 '16, 6:37 a.m.

 It is available on our Knowledge center. Here is the direct link. I would recommend first setting up a isolated staging environment with the clone of the production data and then perform the rename on it as a test.

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