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A way to export test cases from RQM to Excel with complete content

Ricky Jay (281126) | asked Jun 28 '16, 8:16 a.m.
edited Jun 28 '16, 8:22 a.m.

We need a way to export test cases from RQM to Excel with all the content including test scripts.

I have tried RQM URL Utility with the below command, 

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user USERNAME  -password PASSWORD  -filepath "c:\Script2.xml" -url "https://HOSTADDRESS/qm/service/"

It returns the success msg as below, It says the XML retrieved successfully, but it doesn't generate anything in the file i-e C:\Script2.xml


                                  <<<<<----- [ RQMUrlUtility ] ---->>>>>



Default cookie policy RFC_2109 is used.

RQMUrlUtility: Connected to https://HOSTADDRESS using project "PROJECT+(Testing)"

Attempting to create SSL_TLS context SSL_TLS SSLContext not available

Unable to create SSL_TLS context, trying SSLv3

RQMUrlUtility: Calling [ HTTP GET ] method to retrieve XML from a specified URL

RQMUrlUtility: Server Response code: 200

RQMUrlUtility: [ SUCCESS ] XML string retrieved from URL : "https://HOSTADDRESS/qm/service/ " is written to file located at -: " c:\Script2.xml "

Disconnecting from the IBM Rational Quality Manager server.

Can someone assist if there is something missing or this solution will work or not?

Thanks in advance.

Accepted answer

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Michael Triantafelow (4513) | answered Jun 28 '16, 9:48 a.m.
Looking at the examples in it looks to me like you'll need to escape the backslash in your file URL.  I bet you can get this working by changing c:\Script2.xml to c:\\Script2.xml.
Ricky Jay selected this answer as the correct answer

Ricky Jay commented Jun 30 '16, 7:10 a.m.

 Hi Michael, 

I would like to have your input in one more query.

Once after the xml is generated, It can be opened in Excel file.
1-) Only one test case or script can be exported at a time? (as in the command, we provide URL of any one test case or script) - does it means we cannot export bunch of test cases/scripts at a time from RQM to excel?
2-)When i open the xml in the excel, IT has many irrelevant columns filled itself like URL and other details without having the heading tab. Do i need to put the heading myself?

Many thanks

Michael Triantafelow commented Jul 01 '16, 1:30 p.m.

Well, the first thing I would say is that the XML isn't really optimized for viewing in Excel.  I think perhaps the URLUtility is not the best tool for what you are trying to do.  Have you looked at the CSV Export feature?

To answer your question though, yes there is a way to export more than one item at a time by using the feed URL and the fields selection feature.  For example:


You can further tune the fields parameter to select only the properties of the test case that you are interested in.  You'll want to study the REST API wiki ( to learn how to use these capabilities to get exactly what you want.  

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