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why RPT Testsuite execution record details do not show up in RQM except the status

anoop mc (74811199221) | asked Jun 07 '16, 12:57 a.m.
edited Jun 08 '16, 2:40 a.m.
Hi Team,

Recently I came across a scenario where we need to invoke an RPT Test suite Execution Record from RQM.

RPT Version
RQM Version 6.0.1 (CLM 6.0.1)

  • From RQM > We can connect to RPT via adapter and run the TestSuiteExecutuionRecord (TSER).
  • After some time in RQM TSER window it show the status as Passed.
  • The result doesn't show much details as seen in RPT test execution window.

In fact we need to know when an RPT testsuite is invoked from RQM how can we see the detailed performance report as seen in RPT.

Snapshot attached for your reference


Test Execution result shown in RPT.


Test Execution result shown in RQM - Here only Passed status is displayed no detailed one.

One answer

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anoop mc (74811199221) | answered Jun 08 '16, 5:43 a.m.

I found a similar post where in the below forum but not exactly the same.

With TestCase execution I could see only the progress summary and when clicked on Show Result option the report automatically closes and the below is what we see



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