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RTC plugin for Eclipse Mars Not Working

I'm really struggling and tried all Jazz articles I could get.
We're running RTC 6.0.2 and develop in Eclipse Win 64 bit.
I am trying to install the plugin on my eclipse. I did that by downloading p2 zip from 6.0.2. all downloads site and installing it.
It actually install successful. See attached screen clip.
But after restart, there's no welcome page and I can't find any place to set it up - like where do I specify my Jazz server name and port, etc.
Two questions then:
1. Is it even compatible? Is there some additional packages I must install?
2. How do I set it up?
Accepted answer

Please note that The IBM products are actually based on a different Eclipse release with more fixes by IBM. It could be possible that some of the fixes are needed. Anyway, if the version is supported, chances are good it works. If not, it may does not work.
Have you tried to open the work item perspective? Note, if you install P2 RTC in an Eclipse, the standard Eclipse setup starts and you don't necessarily see the IBM Welcome Page. You have to know how to open a perspective.

Thanks for the quick answer Ralph.
OK, I use this eclipse Mars version:
Version: Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)
Build id: 20150924-1200
I did previously tried to find the system requirement on jazz.net you explained.
I ended up at this URL: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMSystemRequirements602
The only place where I could find an eclipse is under the OS - which is Windows 7 64bit. And then I only get a generic eclipse tick with a note (3). See this URL:
Please help me find the supported eclipse version website URL then.
About perspectives
There is no work item perspective. I do know how to open perspectives. I have played with the Team perspective and looked through other views and perspectives. Found nothing.

Excellent - Going from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2 solved the issue! Thanks!

Glad it works for you now!
2 other answers

(replace "602" with whatever release you are looking for).
- Click on the RTC button, select the prerequisites tab, and scroll down to the "Eclipse Runtime Environment" section.
If you haven't memorized that jazz.net/wiki URL (:-), you can also get there by:
- Go to jazz.net, and hover over "products".
- Click on "Rational Team Concert" radio button, and click the "Download" button, which should bring you to the RTC download page:
- Click on the version you want, which should bring you to a page such as:
- Click on the "Optional Programs" tab, and click on the "system requirements" button in the first paragraph, which should bring you to the jazz.net/wiki page, such as:

Eclipse Runtime Environment Notes
1. The RTC Client bundles IES or (two installation options). You may also use the
installation to install RTC via p2 install over Eclipse 4.4, 4.4.1 or 4.4.2, or 4.5.2.
2. The RTC Eclipse client supports IES for Java 7 development
3. • IES is bundled with the CLM Server and with the RTC Eclipse Client.
• The CLM Server uses the Eclipse Runtime, Equinox and EMF.
• The RTC Client bundles IES or (two installation options). You may also use the installation to install RTC via p2 install over Eclipse 4.3.2.
• If you are installing the Rational Team Concert Client into an existing instance of Eclipse IDE 3.6,
please read this TechNote
4. The RTC Client bundles IES or (two installation options). You may also use the
installation to install RTC via p2 install over Eclipse 4.4, 4.4.1 or 4.4.2.
5. The RTC Client bundles IES or (two installation options). You may also use the
installation to install RTC via p2 install over Eclipse 4.3.2.
I will use eclipse 4.5.2 and then feedback.

Yes, the new format needs to get used to. I tried RTC Component, then Prerequisites (after getting lost in Supported Software), where the above list comes up.
The last version 4.5.2
1. The RTC Client bundles IES or (two installation options). You may also use the installation to install RTC via p2 install over Eclipse 4.4, 4.4.1 or 4.4.2, or 4.5.2.
Please note it talks about IES which is an IBM patched Eclipse. But trying 4.5.2 is what I would suggest as well.
1 vote