How to Upgrade from Tomcat to WebSphere and Tomcat to LDAP?
I have searched the Forum for other related articles on this and found some, but not sure they cover the full issue that I think we are faced with. One of the on-line articles I read was and that referenced another Between the two, I think they covered stuff, but not sure if they cover our full issue. So I am going to put this out on this Forum and see if we get any further information that kind of puts it all together.
Our situation is this; we have a single Jazz Configuration server running both JTS and RTC. This system uses Tomcat for the Web Server and Tomcat for the User authentication. Our goal is to (1) move to WebSphere and (2)incorporate LDAP. We assume the first step would be to upgrade the system to WebSphere first and then deal with the Tomcat Users to LDAP Users issue. Would this be correct? So after we upgrade to WebSphere, what would be the correct steps to convert the existing Tomcat users and Tomcat user artifacts from their current value and map them to their respective LDAP accounts? How could I safely change a user from "JoeUser" (Tomcat) to JP1234 (LDAP) and map all of the existing "JoeUser" artifacts to the new "JP1234" User name? So after this is all said and done, I log in as LP1234 and still have access to all of my Tasks and all that I originally created under the JoeUser name?
Thanks for your help!
2 answers
There are a few steps you need to take if you want to do it on one go.
1. Deploy JTS and RTC to WAS.
2. Configure LDAP on WAS. You may want to use a temporary user for verifying the configuration before proceed further. For example, create an LDAP user "test_ldap", and import or create an RTC user with the same ID, then use this user account to verify the functionality.
3. Verify the LDAP user accounts. You should be able to authenticate, but can't access the actual contents in RTC as it should complain about unrecognized users, such as "LP1234".
4. Change the RTC user IDs to match the LDAP accounts following the steps in the technote that you found.
(Note that if you want to go back to Tomcat, you need to change the user ID back, or configure Tomcat to use LDAP instead).
5. Final verification.