Issue with invisible right side of RRC artifacts when out of R/W license drops permission to R-only license: a bug ?
Issue with invisible right side of RRC artifacts when out of R/W license drops permission to Ronly license: a bug ?
We have:
- A very limited number of RRC Analyst floating licenses, so we frequently run out of Analyst fltgLicenses.
- A lot of RTC Contributor floating licenses, never run out
- Grant both license to each user, despite the overlapping warnings.
- Using the RTC Contrib. fltgLicenses as a catch-all license: Whenever RRC Analyst fltgLicenses (R/W RTC WI and R/W RRC) run out users will leverage the RTC Contrib fltgLicense to have R-only access to the RRC and R/W to WI.
THe RRC seems to behave strangely though, through:
- A transition period between:
- the moment of recognition of the unavailability of the RRC AfltgLicense
- And the moment of registering the existence of the RTC CfltgLicense
- When the right side of its artifacts become completely invisible
Not sure if human intervention would be required to bring the right side of the artifacts back to being visible with a greyed-out/disabled edit button (R-only mode when the RTC CfltgLicense kicks in ).
Anybody running into same or similar issues ? A bug ?