RTC - git integration with SSH, do I still need node?
looking at the 6.0.2 manual Rational Team Concert 6.0.2>Rational Team Concert>Integrating>Git>Configuring SSH support. There a few parts which are confusing and I wondered if anyone could shed light on them.
Part k "Configure the rtc-git-ssh-interceptor. The interceptor script is part of the /rtc-git-server-toolkit/server/hooks directory". How? Looking at the script - it states do not edit this script.
"After you complete the configuration, you can clone the repository and start working with it by running the following command: git clone ssh://git@server/gitrepos/repo1.git ." So I have my git repos under /opt/git_repos therefore do I run "git clone git@myserver/opt/git_repos/groovyTest.git"
Finally, do I still need the node server running? That is that the link between rtc and git? Currently I can not get the http pushes and clones working properly (no auth is asked for). But with ssh setup, am I supposed to juse ssh to push? And behind the scenes the git hooks use the node server to talk to the work item?