Changing db2 database pagesize
we stuck at one step of CLM 601 upgrading to CLM 604.
Before that, we moved complete environment from OS Win Server 2008 to OS Win Server 2012.
The problem is in upgrading ccm/jazz configuration and adding tables to JAZZ/CCM database. We got following error: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-670, SQLSTATE=54010, SQLERRMC=8101;CONTENTTS;15361, DRIVER=4.21.29
The explanation is that we must change db2 pagesize (which is 8k), but we 've already created new database on Win Server 2012 with 16K and restored db2 backup.
Can anyone tell me what could be the problem in this?
How we can solve this?
Could command repotools-jazz.bat -export database content may help?
Kind regards,