Urgent help needed for proof of concept with dashboards
Hi, sorry for the headline - most of the help anyone needs is urgent but I need a response yesterday...
I have created a Birt Report with parameters. I can place that in a viewlet and pass those parameters when defined in the process template. At run time it works as expected but I NEED to be able to make those parameters user selectable when viewed in the browser. IE, edit settings, select the parameters you want and have report respond in kind.
So far it seems those parameters are readonly for every report I have seen out of the box. Is it possible to define those parameters in the viewlet so they provide either a dialog box (a la the report) or provide text fields for user input. Obviously, I want them to be selectable via a dropdown but will take whatever I can get at the moment.
I have created a Birt Report with parameters. I can place that in a viewlet and pass those parameters when defined in the process template. At run time it works as expected but I NEED to be able to make those parameters user selectable when viewed in the browser. IE, edit settings, select the parameters you want and have report respond in kind.
So far it seems those parameters are readonly for every report I have seen out of the box. Is it possible to define those parameters in the viewlet so they provide either a dialog box (a la the report) or provide text fields for user input. Obviously, I want them to be selectable via a dropdown but will take whatever I can get at the moment.
3 answers
On 8/11/2009 11:38 AM, rpelliottjr wrote:
For others who might have a similar issue, did you solve this by
selecting "Text Box" as the "Display Type" for the parameter? This
should supply a text widget instead of a single-select list or a
multi-select checkbox list.
RTC Reports Team Lead
Solved... not the most intuitive UI but everything was good, just need
to provide guidance on using the UI to select.
For others who might have a similar issue, did you solve this by
selecting "Text Box" as the "Display Type" for the parameter? This
should supply a text widget instead of a single-select list or a
multi-select checkbox list.
RTC Reports Team Lead