Why manually deleted test suites don't recreate when I re-import from Excel?
//TEST SUITEtestsuite.XLSWorksheetID="Inv. Casos Pruebas- Recuentos"testsuite.XLSArtifactID=D2testsuite.dc:title=D2testsuite.dc:description=E2testsuite.XLSLink=testcasetestsuite.testplan=LinkExisting(B2)
//TEST CASEtestcase.XLSWorksheetID="Inv. Casos Pruebas- Recuentos"testcase.XLSArtifactID=B2 & F/estcase.ID=B2 & Ftestcase.dc:title=Ftestcase.XLSStartRow=49testcase.dc:description=Etestcase.alm:owner="myowner"testcase.Section("myns:com.ibm.rqm.planning.editor.section.testCaseDesign","RQM-KEY-TC-DESIGN-TITLE")=Div(G3 & G & H3 & H)
3 answers
Initializing.....Reading Configuration File....Getting artifacts from document - "TestSuite with TestCases 001.xls".....Sending artifacts to https://rational.cc.xxxxx/qm.....Sending testcase 0 named Dead_Hammer...Sending testcase 1 named Socially_Acceptable_Hammer...Sending testcase 2 named Pretty_Hammer...Sending testcase 3 named Hot_Hammer...Sending testcase 4 named Strong_Hammer...Sending testsuite 5 named TestSuite_with_TestCases_001_Acme_Hammers_1.xml...
Exporting completed successfully!
Detailed log file at: C:\Users\T13638\AppData\Roaming\Mso2Rqm\131051051596815355 log.txt
In RQM 6.0.1 using of RQM Excel Import I just imported from TestSuite with TestCases 001.xls with TestSuite with TestCases 001.cfg, I see identical output in the RQM Export UI:
And the suite "big suite" is created after it is deleted.
So it does seem worth looking in the qm.log immediately after import as Mehul suggested.
You might also try the same import in a new project created from "Quality Management Default Process" (although I cannot think of any project property or role issue that could case that behavior).
Hi Donald, thanks for your answer.
Can you confirm that deleting a test suite is a "soft" delete? How about test cases and test plans? I wonder what differs between these test artifacts - the way they get deleted, or the way they get created?
With test plans work fine.
It's not a "soft" delete I think. If I delete the test plan, like I used to delete test suites, and re-import, the test plan is created again. This is not happening with test suite. Why would it be the test suite deletion soft and not soft for test plan? It doesn't make sense to me.
How could I get to the trash and see if there is some test suites to confirm that those artifacts have "soft" deletion?
I can't wonder why these artifacts have different behaviour. Maybe it's a plugin bug or something and we're are not going the correct way.
I don't currently have an environment to verify the behavior that you have observed. To view the trash, click on the gear icon at the top right corner and choose View Trash.
My theory is based on the assumption that test artifacts will be created with the same ID over and over again as long as the Excel file does not change, and you can check whether it's the case. To see the "real" ID, not the "web Id", you need to use the RQM reportable REST API, or the RQM URL Utility which utilizes it.