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Wich table in rtc database contains the artifacts attached to a build result?

Cesar Augusto Silva Toschi (58310) | asked Apr 12 '16, 6:24 p.m.

I'd like to know wich rtc database table contains the artifacts attached (tab download) to a build result.


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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 12 '16, 8:13 p.m.
Why do you need to know that? What's the use case?

Cesar Augusto Silva Toschi commented Apr 13 '16, 11:11 a.m.

  I need an artifact that was deleted. And I didn't want to restore the full database.


Donald Nong commented Apr 13 '16, 8:24 p.m.

Not sure you can do it. If it's a "hard" delete, you will not find it in the database any more. Are you sure that artifact of concern is only "soft" deleted?

Cesar Augusto Silva Toschi commented Apr 14 '16, 6:40 p.m.

 Yes, it's a "hard" delete, but we have a database backup. So, i believe is possible to restore.

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