RTC - Stream Hierarchies (flow stream to stream) why use?
If I have a stream (DEV1) that has a flow target of stream (TST1) and I deliver a change set to stream DEV1 - what if anything happens with stream TST1 and the component in it? In other words what does a "stream hierarchy" buy you? If you deliver a change set to the "base" stream you still need to deliver to the "flowed to" stream. So when and why would you use a stream hierarchy
3 answers
Since you cannot deliver from stream to stream, there is no "real" reason to have relationships between the different streams. Having these relationships between the streams allows users and developers to visualize the way the development efforts relate to each other. So when I look at the streams being used in a project, I can see how development activities in development streams flow into integration streams, and into the various testing, validation, and deployment environments.