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In CLM 5.0.2 release we are experiencing user session timeouts even when actively using application

Timothy Miller (13314) | asked Apr 05 '16, 3:51 p.m.


Our users are experiencing user session interruptions which force the user to log back in to the application.

The websphere timout parm is set to 60 minutes so we believe this is appropriately set. Any ideas would be appreciated.



Donald Nong commented Apr 27 '16, 1:13 a.m.

Are you really sure that the sessions were timed out? Sessions can be invalidated by some actions. For example, when SSO is not properly configured, it can happen when you log on to CCM, the existing RM session becomes invalid, or vice versa.

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 27 '16, 2:32 a.m.

Without any context e.g. what app server, proxy and the like, error messages or log messages there is no way to help.

I would also assume that this is not due to CLM but timeouts on network, proxy or application server layer.

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