Using RQM REST API how do I retrieve currentexecutionresult in snapshot?
I am using the RQM REST API to connect to an RQM 5.0.2 server and retrieve a snapshot of a Test Plan and the related artifacts including execution results. I use a fields query to retrieve all executionworkitems for the revision of the testplan, like so:
The executionworkitem entries returned in the xml provides a navigable link to each of the related test artifacts (i.e. testplan, testcase, testscript). The link is directed to the test artifact revision and looks like this:
<ns2:testscript href="<server>/qm/service/"/>
However, the currentexecutionresult tag has an odd looking link that looks like this (note the "snapshot:" instead of the "urn:" for the resource):
<ns2:currentexecutionresult href="<server>/qm/service/"/>
When I try to retrieve the currentexecutionresult using this link then http status returned is 404: Not Found.
Is it possible to retrieve the currentexecutionresult in the snapshot using the REST API?
If so, how do I retrieve the currentexecutionresult referenced by the executionworkitem in the snapshot using the REST API?
Donald Nong
Mar 29 '16, 1:41 a.m.I can see the same thing and I believe it is designed that way to shield them from further access. If you look carefully, they are marked as "archived". And in fact, you can find them in the Trash. I will not restore or delete (it's forbidden anyway) them without knowing the consequence.
As for how to use REST API to access them, I don't know the answer. It appears that it's been designed that you can only access them via the Web GUI (text/html).