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How to query category items by using RQM Rest API

Aditya Sant (1313) | asked Oct 29 '15, 4:46 a.m.
I have testcase having 4 category fields.Each category has multiple items (i.e. Combobox). By using RQM api can I read/get list of items for particular category field? If no, what is better approach.Please suggest appropriate rest URI format.

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Frank McGrath (242162) | answered Oct 29 '15, 10:02 a.m.
 You can get an atom feed of all Category Types using a URL like:

You can get an atom feed of all Categories using a URL like:

From the feed, you can get the individual categories using a URL like:

Aditya Sant commented Oct 30 '15, 2:39 a.m.

@frank McGrath:Thanks..Btw second URL shows some dropdown values from all fields. Any work around to get exactly all fields of particular categorytype?

Aditya Sant commented Nov 05 '15, 1:35 a.m.

any help? I need to fetch items of particular category type

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