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Rendering of dates in RTC plans using WebUI

Green Elk (1319) | asked Mar 17 '16, 10:32 a.m.
I have a plan which i'm looking at on, via the WEBUi

3 columns are being rendered thus:

Planned End Date 22 Feb 2016 12:07:01
Due Date 19/02/2016 12:00
Resolution Date  22 Feb 2016 12:07:01

Is there a way I can make these 
(a) render the date ONLY (cf.  <property key="timestampMode" value="datemode"/>) 
(b) Use the same format for the date - don't mind which - just want consistency !


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Ian Wark (79713553) | answered Mar 24 '16, 12:46 a.m.
Unfortunately there is no way to change the date format, other than hiding the time etc. by resizing the column.

But there is an enhancement request:

Provide option for plan view to show Date only for timestamp attribute

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