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Problem with RRDI 5.0.2 Installation

Salman Shaikh (23413375) | asked May 21 '15, 10:02 a.m.
I'm having a problem installing RRDI . 
Have run the installer via Installation manager and all seems well. 
I then run the set up and again all is well until i get to step 6  Build and Deploy Reporting Components 

when i click on deploy  it gets s far as "Update the report server configuration", the status info on the pages says 
"Deploying the reporting components... (70% complete)" and never moves and i got error
Error "Wait for the report server to initialize and set the Rational Reporting style 

There are no other errors reported. 
Any ideas as to what the cause might be or what i should check 

My configuration is 
Windows 2012 Sever 
CLM 5.0.2
RRDI 5.0.2 64 Bit
WAS 8.5    64 Bit
DB2 10.1

One answer

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered May 21 '15, 10:13 a.m.
edited May 21 '15, 10:14 a.m.
Hello Salman,

at that step the setup application tries to connect to the Cognos application,
I suggest the following:
  • check if you can access the Cognos WebUI http://hostname:portnumber/reporting to see if it's up and running
  • check [RRDI_Install]\cognos\logs\cogserver.log for errors

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

Kevin Ramer commented May 21 '15, 10:16 a.m. | edited Jun 08 '15, 10:20 p.m.

Is this an upgrade or new install ?  I've seen that on occasion when re-using a WAS profile when application security was left configured.   I've also had upgrade "stop" there, but starting the reporting server was successful.

Try starting WebSphere and after some time look at the cogserver.log for

        Thread-104      DISP    5003    1   Start   Dispatcher              Success         DPR-SYS-6000 The product is ready to use.

Also check the jazzns_config.xml for the proper report URL.

Salman Shaikh commented May 21 '15, 10:26 a.m.
i am getting these types of 4-5 symbols � by accessing cognos web ui
and i am unable to see any log file there in cognos logs.

Salman Shaikh commented May 21 '15, 10:27 a.m.

actually on my machine Websphere server already runs as a service and i have made new profile for Reporting on WAS.

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