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RRDI - Request Related Requests doesn't show all child WIs

Bharath M (5465428) | asked Jul 08 '13, 4:20 a.m.

we are using RTC 3011 and trying to create a RRDI report to list Epics and their child Stories. I'm using ODS >> Request Area >> Request and ODS >> Request Area >> Request related Requests.

But for some reason it is not picking up all the child workitems. I have come across the following post but I dont see the 'ODS -> Request Area -> Request Relational Link' mentioned in there.

Am I missing something here? . How can I list all the child workitems ?

One answer

permanent link
Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | answered Jul 08 '13, 9:19 a.m.
I checked RRDI 2.0.3 which matches RTC 4.0.x, and I can find the RRL link. I am afraid maybe the old version does not have this table. 

Bharath M commented Jul 08 '13, 2:56 p.m.

So no way that I could pull out all the child workitems ?

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