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Condition to restrict user to take specific actions against specific state of workflow while having specific attribute values

Hi All,
I need to apply a bit complex condition in my workflow of Change Request work item type of RTC, could anyone of you all help me out to achieve it, following is the scenario for the condition i want to apply
There is an attribute of drop-down "Request Type" which has multiple options, options are: Local & Global
if Request type is "Local" OR "Global" and work-Item is on "First_Level_Approval" state
then user can only be able to take two actions against "First_Level_Approval" state
which are "Approved SLA" and "Return to Submitter"
for the third action "Approved FLA" system will show an error to user when hit the save button like "You can not take this action at First_Level_Approval"
One answer

There is nothing builtin that will do this. You will have to write some extension.
you might be able to do this with a Javascript field Validator script. I'm not sure you can provide a custom message however.
you can certainly do this in Java,
See the extensions Workshop
you might be able to do this with a Javascript field Validator script. I'm not sure you can provide a custom message however.
you can certainly do this in Java,
See the extensions Workshop

sam detweiler
Thanks for prompt response,
could you please help me out to write script for the above scenario ?, i really not good at java scripting