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Make the text field mandatory on the select of yes form the radio button

I have two customize controls in my customize change request work item of RTC
1, radio buttons (Yes, No)
1, radio buttons (Yes, No)
2, text field (read-only)
Condition which i need to apply:
When a user click 'Yes' from the radio button then the 'text field' will become mandatory and if user click on 'No' then the 'text field' will remain read-only.
please help me how can i make this condition
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One other answer

Hi Arun K Sriramaiah,
I'm really bad at scripting can you please help me for working script ?
following are the related information:
ID radio button control attribute ID: projectAB.attribute.rfcisaproject
Type: projectAB.enumeration.rfcisaproject
ID for option Yes: projectAB.enumeration.rfcisaproject.literal.12
ID for option NO: projectAB.enumeration.rfcisaproject.literal.13
ID for text field control attribute ID: projectAB.attribute.EPMOReference