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Install the RTC 5.0.2 ifix05 plugin in Eclipse

Krasimir Malchev (56631) | asked Mar 09 '16, 2:08 a.m.


   We need to install RTC 5.0.2 ifix05 for Eclipse versions greater or equal than Kepler (such as Luna and Mars) for Windows and Linux (32 and 64 bit).

   We have a repository stored on a server. When we specify the location of the repository on our server, and try to install the RTC plugin (Help->Install New Software->Select the location of the repository->select the RTC plugin), an error is returned reporting that the RTC version is not compatible with the Eclipse version. Then a second (automatic) attempt is made with the following information message:

   Cannot perform operation. Computing alternative solutions, may take a while: [number] /15, where [number] is from 1 to 15.

Finally, at the end, this second attempt is unfortunately unsuccessful (The operation cannot be completed.  See the details below).

Where can I get the RTC plugin (major version bundled with ifix05) for Eclipse for Windows and Linux 32 and 64 bit?

Thanks for your support!

Best Regards,

Krasimir Malchev

Visteon Inc.

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Mar 10 '16, 8:22 a.m.

Hi Krasimir,
Can you provide full error message from .log file?

Krasimir Malchev commented Mar 11 '16, 1:24 a.m.

Hello, Krzysztof,

These are the errors the tool is reporting:

"" is not applicable to the current configuration and will not be installed.
"" is not applicable to the current configuration and will not be installed.
"" is not applicable to the current configuration and will not be installed.
"" is not applicable to the current configuration and will not be installed.
"" is not applicable to the current configuration and will not be installed.
"" is not applicable to the current configuration and will not be installed.

"" is not applicable to the current configuration and will not be installed.

Best Regards,

Krasimir Malchev

Krasimir Malchev commented Mar 11 '16, 3:01 a.m.

Hello, Krzysztof,

I have forgotten to provide my environment:

Windows 7 x64

Eclipse for C/C++ developers (Mars) x64,

I have installed the RTC plug-in (from the zip repository, which I got from the IBM's website).

After the installation of the plug-in and the restart of Eclipse, the "Source Control" folder was missing in the project area's tree in the Team Artifacts' view. I don't know the reason why it is missing. I haven't got any errors/warnings during the plug-in installation.

Then, I tried to install the RTC ifix005 (from which I got from the IBM's website again), but I received the errors described in the post above.

Best Regards,

Krasimir Malchev

Visteon Inc.

Donald Nong commented Mar 11 '16, 4:51 a.m.

It's possible that those components mentioned in the error message were not installed correctly, so that patches could not be applied - iFix005 is in the form of a patch. I have an almost exact environment and don't have any problems with installing iFix (iFix006 in my case).

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