Issues with RTC 6.0.1 JTS Plain zip usage
I am suing RTC 6.0.1 JTS Plain zip to evaluate on my local PC which have 16 GB ram and SSD.
What I've noticed is, running on local PC when compared with RTC 5.0.2, 6.0.1 is very slow.
Many cases the web call or Eclipse call ends in timeout. Any idea now to improve the speed?
I also noticed that the plain zip JTS isn't using Tomcat
Accepted answer
Comparing to 5.0.2, the 6.0.1 plain zip package has two more components - RELM and JRS. If you're trialing all these components together with the default 4GB JVM heap, it can be slow. If you only need RTC, you can remove the other applications from the location server/liberty/servers/clm/apps and then restart the server. You can also try increasing the JVM heap size by modifying the -Xmx parameter in the server.startup script - make sure you have enough physical memory before doing so.
Note that starting from 6.0.1, WAS Liberty has replaced Tomcat as the bundled application server, as you have noticed.
Note that starting from 6.0.1, WAS Liberty has replaced Tomcat as the bundled application server, as you have noticed.