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Component's Baseline History Graph

Currently Testing this Baseline History graph feature:
I want to know how to link the release object to Baseline. So that I can filter the Release Baselines in the graph.
Any pointer to links or documentation is appreciated.
One more clarification. When it is mentioned Baseline Tags, are these the Tags created using the command line tools IBM referring too?
I don't see any option to create any Tags for Baseline GUI at least.
One answer

Q1. Each baseline can have a list of tags. You can set tags on a baseline using the CLI, or in the Eclipse/VS clients, enter a value into the "Tags" text-field and hit save. This is what the "Tags" filter uses in the Baseline History view
Q2. If you want to retroactively go back to releases and associate them to the baseline you can do the following.
-In the RTC Eclipse client, open the Project Area editor,
-Select the Releases tab
-Multi-select the Release that you want, and select the "Update Build Snapshot Links" context menu action. What this action does is, for each release selected, it checks if it has an associated build result, and then checks if that build result has an associated snapshot with it. If it does, it will associate (create a link) on each baseline in that snapshot to the release object. Once that is done the Baseline History Graph will show this information (and allow you to use it for filters).
Note: Releases that are created 'after' RTC 6.0.2 (i.e. after this Baseline History Graph feature was added) will automatically get associated (linked) to the corresponding baselines, however for releases that existed prior to this feature, a user would manually have to do these steps described above.
For other information on this feature see:
Arun K Sriramaiah
Feb 26 '16, 9:02 a.m.Could you please give us more information about the use case and which application are you referring too.
Actual result ?
Expected result ? and what is your expectation from it.
Arun K Sriramaiah
Feb 26 '16, 9:03 a.m.Could you please give us more information about the use case and which application are you referring too.
Actual result ?
Expected result ? and what is your expectation from it.
vijayakumar ramesh
Feb 26 '16, 9:17 a.m.