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unable to restore a test suite exection record from trash "cannot be restored because a duplicate test suite execution record that has the following ID and name was found"

Brett Bohnn (94111157) | asked Feb 25 '16, 12:45 p.m.
When trying to restore a test suite execution record from the trash the following error is thrown:

"cannot be restored because a duplicate test suite execution record that has the following ID and name was found: 621,645, MySuite."

However, when browsing test suite execution records (TSERs) there is no TSER with ID 621645. There is a TSER with title, MySuite, but it has a different ID. Why can't this TSER be restored if there is not a TSER with a conflicting ID?

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Brett Bohnn (94111157) | answered Feb 25 '16, 12:48 p.m.
edited Feb 25 '16, 12:49 p.m.
The error is somewhat misleading. The problem is that a TSER for test suite "MySuite" exists with the same test environment as they one being restored from the trash. The workaround is to change the test environment for the TSER that is not in the trash to something other than test environment for the TSER in the trash.

Example, if the default "unassigned" test environment is used for both mySuite TSERs, change the un-deleted TSER from "unassigned" to some other test environment.

Note, this can only be done in 6.0.x after checking/enabling the preference "Allow changes to the test environment setting after the record is created" for Test Suite Execution Record. To do so, go to Manage Project Properties > Execution Record Preferences. This preference does not exist prior to 6.0.x.


Don Yang commented Feb 25 '16, 6:43 p.m.

Thanks Brett for sharing.

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