RTC url not loading in an iFrame in a Connections wiki page
We had RTC 5.0.2, and had created an iFrame in a Wiki page of IBM w3 Connections, pulling the RTC dashboard into the wiki page.
After the RTC server was upgraded to 6.0.1, the iFrame doesn't load anything, it keeps blank.
I have tried creating iFrames with other non-RTC urls, and it works very well.
The problem is with RTC urls.
Thank you
Isabel Torres
After the RTC server was upgraded to 6.0.1, the iFrame doesn't load anything, it keeps blank.
I have tried creating iFrames with other non-RTC urls, and it works very well.
The problem is with RTC urls.
Thank you
Isabel Torres
Accepted answer
Hi Isabel,
I had a similar issue with DM recently, can you try the following:
1. Go to the CCM admin page
2. Go to the Advanced Properties section
3. Search for 'Application X-Frame-Options'
4. Change the default value from SAMEORIGIN to empty, or to be more secure against click jacking attacks, set the value to ALLOW-FROM <RTC server host> (see context help for more details).