"Tracked By" link value missing in Print from Module.
I have made sure the "include links, tags .." option is toggled properly and that the values are displayed on creen before clicking the print button.
I have also made sure that there is enough space on the page and that it is not a truncation problem. The missing value is in the middle of the page. Not a truncation issue!!
We are on CLM Version 4.04.
Please help....!!
One answer
The link type does not really matter. What matters is which artifact is linked - the module artifact or the base artifact. When the link is with the module artifact, it will be printed; when it's with the base artifact, it will not be printed. This is true for all print options under the Create Report and Print button. Toggling the "include links, tags and comments from base artifacts" only affects the screen view, not the printing.
By Design!!
Surely this is something that we should provide a fix for?
I will have a hard time explaining to the client why the print Module option doesn't skips data when it is too hard to retrieve. It is reasonable for the client to expect a fix for this problem.
The immediate answer to this problem for us is a custom to pull in the Tracked By Value. Can you advise if this is possible? There must be something stopping it if the standard functionality doesn't work when we want to request data across from RTC from RRC(base module).
It seems that you are not aware of the existence of "module artifacts" and "base artifacts". See blow link for more details.
When I said "by design", I meant that printing function only look at "module artifacts". It's a reasonable design. If it always contains the links from base artifacts, other users will complain that why the printout contains links that are not shown in the web page.