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How do I resolve "CRJAZ2650E Authenticated user "P978866" does not exist in the repository"?

Daniel Ruebush (9715987) | asked Jan 13 '16, 2:40 p.m.
A user is not able to log in.

We are using RTC 5.0.2 set to authenticate to LDAP.

One user added to the system can not log in. The user shows up under
"users" and has a license and shows as being in the correct group.

This is the error he gets logging into /ccm/web
You are not authorized to view this page. CRJAZ2650E Authenticated user "P978866" does not exist in the
repository. Login may be case-sensitive. Did you mean to login as "p978866"?

Same error using both upper and lower case.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Christopher Robinson (571917) | answered Jan 13 '16, 2:46 p.m.

I would suggest to try and modify the user ID and make sure it is exactly what is in ldap within Rational Team Concert but the the link to the external LDAP user registry would need to be temporarily broken which would allow modifications to the user ID.

  1. Go to Advanced Configuration page in the web user interface:
    https:// :9443/jts/
  2. Change property User Registry Type from LDAP to UNSUPPORTED
  3. Change property Ability to Modify User IDs from false to true
  4. Save settings
  5. Modify User ID
  6. Change property Ability to Modify User IDs back to false
  7. Change property User Registry Type back to LDAP
  8. Save changes. You will need to scroll back to the top of the page to click on the Save button.
Daniel Ruebush selected this answer as the correct answer

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