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customized automatic tests scripts

eran meiri (21512) | asked Jan 20 '16, 2:43 p.m.
I want to change out test scripts type from manual to automatic.

I read a bit and understood that all the relevant test scripts types are actually ways to activate automatic scripts in other systems from RQM.
I want RQM not to be the initiator but the target which means that the tests will occur regardless of the RQM and I will push the test results to the relevant tcers as a Test Result artifact.

which test script type will suite this method the best?
is there a way to create my own Test Script type?

many thanks

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jan 25 '16, 10:17 a.m.
Some comments/answers:

-Once a test script is created, the test script type cannot be changed.

-If you are using a test adapter, you will need to execute a test script of the same type (for example, RFT adapters require RFT test scripts).

-If you are not using a specific test adapter, you can create test case results for a test case execution record associated to a test case without a test script (called scriptless execution).  These test case results can be created using the RQM web UI and/or RQM Reportable REST API .

-You cannot create a custom test script type.

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