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Exporting Large( >50!items) Modules to CSV Format.

Tony Kwa (201022) | asked Jan 19 '16, 10:58 p.m.
I am using Modules to format our deliverables for the First stage of our project.  We are not using any other reporting tool so I have to export the data into CSV format.  (Reviewers are not on the system so we can't use the Review Functionality)

 After spending considerable effort organising the rows and sections into a presentable form - I found that Modules (in RRC V4.0)  does not allow you to select more than 50 records at a time.     This seems to be a little gem that nobody talks about.  So I have to do the export in 8 tranches and paste them together.  This is a minor disaster at this point in the project but we are expecting about 1600 requirements in total to be management by the end of the next phase and 50 at a time will not work.

We will have to invest in other tools to address the Document Generation needs of the project if this can not be fixed.

Is there a patch to address this problem?

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Jan 21 '16, 9:40 a.m.
There are a couple of solutions to this.  If CSV is really what you want, you can create a saved view that contains all the artifacts to export (which can include all artifacts in the module).  Then from the context menu on that saved view you can choose to export (and it will include all artifacts). 
(Also, fwiw, in later versions -- I forget which version exactly -- the limit is 200 items selected at a time rather than 50). 

You can also export the module by generating a PDF or Word document, which will produce a more readable version of the module.  From the menu icon (top right of the module), choose Create and Print PDF/Word Document. 
Tony Kwa selected this answer as the correct answer

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