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Is there a possiblity to Scan requirement words and map to glossary terms?

ed Neubecker (15322847) | asked Mar 21 '14, 11:27 a.m.
When there is an established glossary of terms in RRC/DNG it would be good to find a way to do something like "Search and link" to established glossary terms.
Very similar to how someone would do a "search and replace" in WORD, but this would be something like this....

As RRC/DNG user:  I select a Glossary term artifact type. Then Search the project area for where this exact term exist. Then provide the user the ability to easily link the word that was found to the glossary term.

Does something like this exist?

2 answers

permanent link
Stef van Dijk (2.0k179) | answered Apr 08 '14, 4:27 p.m.
I am not aware of a function like this currently existing. Nonetheless it's a very interesting idea, so I'd suggest opening an enhancement request to see if it can be added.

permanent link
Steve Wood (1162) | answered Apr 11 '14, 5:23 p.m.

This is something that you could possibly implement using the extensions mechanism in DNG.  You would need to tell the extension where the glossary was (e.g.a Module or a Collection) and given a set of terms in that module or collection you could find occurrences of those words in the primary text and modify the primary text by replacing the occurrence of the word  with a hyperlink pointing to the term.  In addition you can even add a "Term References" link between the two artifacts.

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