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Workitem promotion on non supported platforms other than z or i on RTC 6.0 eclipse IDE

Is there a solution to Promote a set of workitems/change sets that are implemented in one stream to another and have a traceability report that can show what all workitems have been promoted to specific streams.
We can use flow target from Dev stream to UAT stream to flow changesets/workitems but can it be set to uni directional so that the flow direction can be outgoing only?
We can use tags to workitems that we want to promote from say Dev stream to UAT stream and query for those in dashboard, but this would mean a lot of manual effort.Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated
One answer

Uni-directional flow support is provided in 6.0.1

Thanks for the reply..Customer has no intention of upgrading to 6.0.1.Is there any other possible way to restrict flow target direction between streams in releases prior to 6.0.1??

Before 6.0.1, the best you can do is to use Operation Behavior preconditions to restrict which roles can update a stream that is a flow target. This will not affect what shows in the Pending Changes view, but will fail an attempt to deliver to that streams. There is no way to restrict whether you can accept changes from a flow target (that requires the functionality implemented in 6.0.1).