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Eclipse Lyo OSLC Adapter for RM

Georgios Antonopoulos (2716) | asked Dec 16 '15, 12:56 p.m.
I am trying to create a very rudimentary adapter that communicates with Jazz RM. The purpose is to relate a requirement artifact in RM with another artifact from an external source.

I use the generator provided in org.eclipse.lyo.core to create the skeleton of the adapter and then I
extend it. I followed the tutorial found here to the letter.

I have a catalog and only one service provider (as I said, "rudimentary" adapter).
The service provider contains one Query Capability.
The adapter creates internally 4 object of the type "Requirement" I have defined for my purposes.
Everything seems to work fine when I am accessing my resources through the browser. I can see my Catalog and through it I can navigate to my service providers and resource.

I have also managed to implement the OAuth part and make my adapter a friend of Jazz.

However when I go to the Application Management Page and select my adapter to add the associations provided by it, I find none and in the artifact containers section I get nothing but the message "No artifact container catalogs available in the selected application for possible associations".

I have monitored the requests generated at exactly this point when the Bugzilla adapter is asked for associations(which works fine), and I see that immediately after the rootservices are requested, a request for the
catalog is generated. This request for the catalog gets not generated when I select my adapter.

I know that there is a lot of stuff involved, but does anyone have an clue of what could I be missing or doing wrong?

I thank you in advance


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