What would cause generated requirement links to sometimes pull from the current test script step, and other times pull every requirement in a test script?
Accepted answer
From a quick test with 6.0.6, if the test step has requirement links, those requirements will be linked to the new defect. If the test step does not have any requirement link, the new defect will link to all requirements that are linked to the test case that is associated to the test script.
I wonder if that was an intended behavior. It is less than ideal for my customer's current use. If I'd like this to be configurable should I create an RFE?
It is by design that if there is no specific requirement associated with the test step, it is considered that it doesn't meet the requirements of the test case. My personal opinion is that removing the requirement links in a defect is easier than looking for the appropriate requirements to link to :D. Please submit an RFE if you would like this to be configurable.
Something you would need to explain in that RFE is: If there are requirements linked to the test script, and a particular test step is only related to a subset of those requirements, why wouldn't that test step be linked to that subset? In particular, if you are finding that there are too many requirements being linked to a work item filed against a test step, then that is your clue that you have neglected to specify the appropriate subset.